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日期: 2024-11-06

南天湖国家级旅游度假区地处重庆主城都市游、长江三峡游、大武陵山民俗生态游的黄金结合部,位于丰都县城以南 45 公里,距重庆主城 160公里。度假区规划面积 15.95 平方公里,海拔 1400~2000 米,夏季平均气温 20℃、冬季最低气温零下10℃,森林覆盖率达 87.6%,是集森林康养、湖滨休闲、滑雪运动、星空露营、康体养生、民俗体验、文化展演和旅游观光于一体的文旅休闲度假胜地,素有“天然氧吧、避暑胜地、休闲乐园、养生天堂”之美誉。2020年被评为“国家级旅游度假区”,2022年被评为“国家体育旅游示范基地”。

NantianLake National TouristResortislocatedatthegoldenintersectionofurbantourism in Chongqing, Three Gorges tourism along the Yangtze River, and folk and ecological tourism in the Wuling Mountains. It is situated in the southern part of Fengdu, 45 kilometers from Fengdu County, 160 kilometers from the main urban area of Chongqing. Theplannedareacovers15.95squarekilometers, The elevation ranges from 1400 to 2000 meters,The average summer temperature is 20°C, and the lowest winter temperature is -10°C. lt is a cultural and tourism leisure resort that integrates forest health, lakeside leisure, skiing,starry sky camping, health preservation,folk experience, cultural exhibition and sightseeing.It is renowned as a "natural oxygen bar, summer resort, leisure paradise, and health heaven." In December 2020, it was designated as a "national tourist resort" and in December2022,itwasdesignatedasa"nationalsportstourismdemonstration base."

